Friday, 1 June 2012

Feature And Follow Friday (2)

Feature and Follow is a blog hop that was started by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Each week a different question is posted by our hosts and we will answer! This is a great opportunity for bloggers to network and interact. This weeks question is....

You are a matchmaker — your goal, hook up two characters from two of your favourite books. Who would it be? How do you think it would go

This is such a hard question, but l I think I'm going to have to say Simon from Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series and Sydney the alchemist from Bloodiness and Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy saga. Despite the fact that these two series are two of my absolute favourite, I seriously think these two characters would match perfectly together. Assuming this is in some warped, alternate universe, I genuinely think they would be highly compatible. First off, both characters are insanely cute and, in a way, nerdish and perhaps a tad awkward. Sydney and Simon are both head strong characters who stand up for those who they love and live by the same morals. I also think that I might find the dialogue between the two characters incredibly amusing! 

Now the hard part; admitting that I wouldn't go very far in order to 'match the pair together'- don't hit me.....Yet! The reason I would be hesitant to really push Simon and Sydney together is really correlated to the fact that I am sure the authors of both series will do a great job in matching their characters up with their proper, intended love interest inside their initial, respective worlds. Plus I'm pretty sure Sydney would hate me if I took her away from Adrian...And who could blame her. Ahh Adran *swoon*..   Now in relation to Simon, he seems to be getting fairly cozy with Isabel so we shall see what Clare has in store for us on that front! Two of my favourite series and characters, I love them both.

So there's my answer. Link me yours :)
